Der Betrieb der Flughäfen Wnukowo, Domodedowo und Schukowski ist aufgrund der Bedrohung durch Drohnen eingeschränkt
Im Bezirk Domodedowo in der Region Moskau wurden zwei Drohnen abgeschossen
10 Monat zuvor Lokalen Medienberichten zufolge ist ein Militärtransportflugzeug vom Typ An-12 in Borissoglebsk notgelandet. Ursache: Fehlfunktion des Fahrwerks
In der Region Samara wurde beschlossen, den Schutz von Ölraffinerien vor Drohnenangriffen zu verstärken. In der Region Samara gibt es drei große Ölraffinerien, die Teil der Rosneft-Struktur sind: JSC Kuibyshevsky Oil Refinery, JSC Novokuibyshevsky Oil Refinery, JSC Syzran Oil Refinery
10 Monat zuvor Mehrere Drohnen haben die Ölraffinerie Rosneft in Rjasan angegriffen
10 Monat zuvor Militärtransportflugzeuge stürzten auf dem Severnyy-Flughafen in Iwanowo ab
10 Monat zuvor Il-76-Flugzeug mit zwölf Insassen an Bord stürzte in Iwanowo ab, das Flugzeug wurde teilweise zerstört
LCA Tejas of Indian Air Force crashes in Jaisalmer of Rajasthan. Pilots have ejected safely. No loss of life. Court of Inquiry ordered by IAF
Der armenische Grenzschutz habe seinen russischen Kollegen mitgeteilt, dass er ohne die Hilfe Russlands am Flughafen Eriwan dienen könne, sagte der armenische Premierminister Paschinjan
10 Monat zuvor Officials said the airplane involved in the deadly crash at the airport in Bath County was short on its approach to the runway and struck the trees and hillside
Three Israeli army officers were lightly injured in a helicopter ground collision at the Nevatim Airbase in southern Israel earlier today.The Israeli army says the UH-60 Black Hawk was damaged in the incident, which will be further investigated
50 injured by 'strong movement' during 'technical event' on Boeing 787-9 Dreamliner: LATAM Airlines
5 killed as plane tries to make emergency landing at airport, police say
Five people, including one child, died in a plane crash Sunday at Ingalls Field Airport in Bath County, Virginia, according to an airport representative
10 Monat zuvor Großbrand in der Nähe des Flughafens Pulkowo
10 Monat zuvor Drones sighted in south Sweden. Between 22 and 03 last night night large drones were reported over Malmö airport, inactive nuclear power plant Barsebäck, strategic port Ystad and hamlet Svedala. Police is investigating in cooperation with armed forces
3 killed after National Guard helicopter crashes along Texas-Mexico border
10 Monat zuvor Security Council's Armen Grigoryan says Armenia has officially told Russia to withdraw its border guards from Yerevan's Zvartnots airport
A child was killed in an Israeli artillery shelling on the airport area, east of Rafah, south of the Gaza Strip
5 persons on board the airplane perished in the crash. The FAA is on scene.
10 Monat zuvor Several people have died after a small plane crashed near the shoulder of Interstate 40 in Nashville, Tennessee, according to authorities
Small plane crashes along I-40 in Nashville, Tennessee, killing 'multiple' people
10 Monat zuvor Nashville West shopping center near Target. Briefing at 9:30 p.m.: A single-engine airplane has crashed off the eastbound lanes of I-40 just past the Charlotte Pk exit. Several persons on board are deceased. Work continues to determine from where the plane originated
11 Monat zuvor A small plane crashed on a golf course in Key Largo on Saturday
Das russische Verteidigungsministerium startete im Rahmen der Ausbildung eine Interkontinentalrakete Yars von Plessezk nach Koura bei Kamtschatka
The global coalition forces in northeastern Syria brought today a massive military support and bolstering military bases in northeastern Syria on a wider scale. Seven small cargo planes of the Boeing CH-47 Chinook CH47D type, belonging to the international coalition forces, landed at the American base at Kharab al-Jir Agricultural Airport in the northeastern countryside of Al-Ya'rubiyah, north of Al-Hasakah, coming from northern Iraq under the protection of helicopters.
Singapore's defence minister says in Parliament that the Republic of Singapore AF will accelerate its F-35 program, and will acquire 8 F-35As in addition to 12 F-35Bs already on order, joining the US, Italy and Japan in operating both variants
Tasnim Agency: The Iranian Minister of Communications says that Russia will send an Iranian satellite into space on Thursday
DEADLY PLANE CRASH: 3 killed in small plane crash identified as father, son and family friend heading to Florida
In Kropivnitsky wurde eine neue Explosion gemeldet, möglicherweise wurde eine Iskander-Rakete von der Krim aus abgefeuert