Lebanese Minister of Transport: The Israeli aircraft violates Lebanese airspace 1,000 times a year, especially over Beirut Airport
Plane crash near Capitan kills pilot, airstrike team says
British Manchester Airport suspends flights due to the disruption caused by the power outage
All flights from two gates at Manchester Airport have been canceled until further notice
Bei einem Hubschrauberabsturz des Typs Robinson R 66 in der Region Amur starben vier Menschen
7 Monat zuvor The plane lost power and as it was landing, it struck a palm tree, nearly severing it in half, fire officials say
7 Monat zuvor Russische Militärblogger behaupten, der Ka-29-Hubschrauber sei bei der Abwehr eines Drohnenangriffs in Sewastopol von der eigenen Luftabwehr abgeschossen worden
Arco Idaho One person is dead, and another is in the hospital with life-threatening injuries after a two-airplanes crash in ButteCounty. The Butte County Sheriff's Office in a news release said it received a report of a two-airplane crash west of the ArcoAirport
A MiG-29 fighter damaged the roofs of several buildings near the village of Szaleniec in the Malbork district. @DGeneralneRSZ announced that the army would cover the costs of repairs
Two men died Monday afternoon when their small plane crashed into Crescent Lake on the Kenai Peninsula, Alaska State Troopers said
7 Monat zuvor 2 killed as plane headed to Ogden crashes in Colorado trailer park
One person was killed as a small plane crashed along a road in a New York town Monday
Houthi media: U.S. and Britain launch 5 raids on Hodeidah Airport in Yemen
Albany, NY: *aircraft down* Albany Shaker rd & Maxwell rd @ Albany international airport: plane down, fully involved,pile of debris & large amount of fire. Unknown size aircraft - reported had just taken off
7 Monat zuvor Flight instructor, student identified as 2 killed in Chatham County plane crash
2 dead after small World War II-era plane crashes near Southern California airport
US @SecDef: Wir arbeiten hart daran, der Ukraine diesen Sommer eine F-16-Fähigkeit zu verschaffen. Und ich denke, wissen Sie, ich bin optimistisch, dass das passieren wird.
7 Monat zuvor 3 Personen beim Absturz einer An-26 auf der Jamal-Insel verletzt. 41 Personen befanden sich an Bord
2 dead in Alpine County plane crash, sheriff's office says
Plane crashes at Double Eagle II Airport in northwest Albuquerque
7 Monat zuvor Brand im Konstruktionsbüro von Suchoi in Moskau gemeldet
Türkiye announces the signing of agreements with U.S. to purchase F-16 aircraft, as negotiations continue on the details
Russische Su-34 stürzte in Nordossetien ab, die Besatzung starb
7 Monat zuvor MAXAR-Satellitenbilder vom 8. Juni nach dem Angriff auf russische Su-57-Kampfflugzeuge
More than 7 hours after it should have landed, a plane carrying Malawi's vice president Saulos Chilima is still missing. "All efforts by aviation authorities to make contact with the Aircraft since it went off the radar have failed thus far,' authorities say
7 Monat zuvor Russischer Sender Fighterbomber bestätigt Schäden an der Su-57 durch Granatsplitter
Multiple agencies are responding to a reported plane crash near the coast of Jones Island in San Juan County on Friday
7 Monat zuvor Arvada first responders are at the scene of a small plane crash that left several people injured
The Auburn Police Department is on scene as well. Single male occupant is deceased.VRFA crews are responding to reports of a small plane that crashed onto the roof of a building in the 400 block of C St. NW.
AFD responding to a brush fire in the 6500 block of W William Cannon Dr. Initial reports state tires and debris on fire. Avoid the area ATXTraffic