News a plane has crashed about a half mile off the Venice Fishing Pier. The city of Venice says investigators say the crash happened around 9:30 p.m. on Wednesday
Venice Police are investigating a small plane crash in Venice that left at least two people dead Wednesday evening
The bodies of two men were recovered after a small plane crashed into the Gulf, not far from the Venice Fishing Pier Wednesday night, Venice Fire Rescue says
1 рок таму Расійскія СМІ паведамляюць, што ўкраінскі лёгкаматорны самалёт разбіўся ў Бранскай вобласці Расіі, пілот жывы і затрыманы
МЗС РФ абвінаваціў Украіну ва ўмяшанні ў працу расейскіх спадарожнікаў сувязі і назваў гэта беспрэцэдэнтным парушэннем міжнароднага права
Richard Branson's Virgin Orbit files for bankruptcy
1 рок таму Украінская супрацьпаветраная абарона збіла 14 з 17 беспілотнікаў Шахед, запушчаных расійскай арміяй за ноч
.@SpaceX: Falcon 9's first stage has landed on Landing Zone 4
.@SpaceX: Watch Falcon 9 launch the @SemperCitiusSDA Tranche 0 mission to low-Earth orbit
.@SpaceX: Now targeting Sunday, April 2 at 7:29 a.m. PT for Falcon 9's launch of the @SemperCitiusSDA Tranche 0 mission to low-Earth orbit. Weather is 90% favorable for liftoff
.@SpaceX: Standing down from today's launch of the @SemperCitiusSDA Tranche 0 mission to allow more time for vehicle preparations. Targeting no earlier than April 1 for next liftoff attempt
9 dead after 2 Army helicopters crash in Kentucky training accident
.@SpaceX: Falcon 9 had an auto abort just prior to T-0. Vehicle and payload are in good health; teams are resetting for a launch attempt tomorrow, March 31 at 7:29 a.m. PT
.@SpaceX: Watch Falcon 9 launch the @SemperCitiusSDA Tranche 0 mission to low-Earth orbit
Мінабароны Расеі сцвярджае, што расійская СПА збіла новую ўкраінскую аператыўна-тактычную ракету Грім-2
1 рок таму Military officials say multiple deaths are expected after two Army helicopters crashed during a training mission in Kentucky
2 Army helicopters crash near Fort Campbell, Kentucky
Two Blackhawk helicopters out of Fort Campbell crashed overnight in Trigg County, KY, and multiple deaths are being reported.
1 рок таму Emergency crews at this hour are on the scene of a plane crash in Logan County. Police aren't releasing any information at this time
.@SpaceX: Starlink ahora disponible en Ecuador
.@SpaceX: Teams continue to monitor weather, which is 60% favorable for launch
.@SpaceX: Targeting Thursday, March 30 at 7:29 a.m. PT for Falcon 9's launch of the @SemperCitiusSDA Tranche 0 mission to low-Earth orbit from SLC-4E in California
.@SpaceX: Deployment of 56 Starlink satellites confirmed
.@SpaceX: Falcon 9's first stage has landed on the Just Read the Instructions droneship
.@SpaceX: Watch Falcon 9 launch 56 Starlink satellites to orbit
1 рок таму The Defense Ministry and IAI successfully launched the Ofek 13 spy satellite into space early this morning
.@SpaceX: Targeting Wednesday, March 29 at 4:01 p.m. ET for Falcon 9's launch of 56 Starlink satellites to low-Earth orbit from SLC-40 in Florida
Расійскія СМІ: ля вёскі Свіціна Маскоўскай вобласці знойдзены беспілотнік, размаляваны ў колеры ўкраінскага сцяга
2 Louisiana officers killed in helicopter crash, police say
1 рок таму 2 французскія Rafale, разгорнутыя ў Літве ў рамках місіі eAP @NATO Air Pacing, два дні запар падымаліся па трывозе для ідэнтыфікацыі і суправаджэння самалётаў, якія дзейнічаюць паблізу паветранай прасторы Балтыі.