22 Лістпад 2024
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Helicopter crashes near the Mount Everest in Nepal, killing 6 people, including 5 Mexican tourists
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Small plane crashes into hangar at Long Beach Airport; pilot suffers minor injuries
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З Прыморска-Ахтарска паведамілі пра запускі беспілотнікаў Shahed
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One person is dead and another is injured following a plane crash in San Rafael Saturday night
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A Cessna aircraft that departed from Las Vegas crashed in Murrieta Saturday morning, according to authorities. All 6 people on board were killed
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Cessna jet crashes with at least six on board in California
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No one was hurt when a plane crashed into Hardy Dam Pond Saturday morning
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Plane crashes near French Valley Airport in Riversid County
У пасёлку Троіца Маскоўскага раёна знойдзены беспілотнік1 рок таму
У пасёлку Троіца Маскоўскага раёна знойдзены беспілотнік
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Міг-31 Ціхаакіянскага флоту РФ разбіўся на Камчатцы, пошукава-выратавальная аперацыя працягваецца
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Расійскі МіГ-31 знік з радараў на Камчатцы
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Аэрапорт Унукава аднавіў працу, паведамляе Федэральнае агенцтва паветранага транспарту.
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Яшчэ адзін выбух адбыўся ў Новай Маскве
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Абмежаванні на рух паветраных судоў у аэрапорце Унукава падоўжаныя да 08:00, паведамляе Расавіяцыя. Астатнія аэрапорты Масквы і Маскоўскай вобласці працуюць у штатным рэжыме.
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Два беспілотніка збітыя ў Новай Маскве ў раёне вёскі Валуева, пацярпелых і разбурэнняў няма, паведамілі РІА Навіны ў МНС.
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EDEN PRAIRIE: Emergency Landing - Eden Prairie Firefighters are looking for a plane that made an emergency landing. The airport tower has contact with the pilot who say's he landed safely in a field about a mile west of the airport, but the exact location is unknown
Venezuelan Air Force Su-30 completely destroyed after crashing into a mountain in Miranda during practice flights for the Venezuelan Independence Day parade. Both pilots reportedly rescued after ejecting1 рок таму
Venezuelan Air Force Su-30 completely destroyed after crashing into a mountain in Miranda during practice flights for the Venezuelan Independence Day parade. Both pilots reportedly rescued after ejecting
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1 injured after plane crashes into Lake Tahoe, El Dorado County Sheriff's officials say
У аэрапорце Пулкава ў Санкт-Пецярбургу загарэўся Boeing-777 авіякампаніі Emirates
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Russian satellite operator Dozor Teleport (AS41942) left the global routing table at about 02:00 UTC earlier today. It is now unreachable, reportedly due to a cyber attack. 4 of 5 routes previously announced by AS41942 were withdrawn, one is now announced by Amtel-Svyaz (AS51764), parent company of Dozor Teleport.
As video inside a Delta Flight makes an emergency landing that landed with broken nose gear up Charlotte   North carolina.   video showing the inside of a Boeing 717 Delta Flight 1092 during its emergency landing at Charlotte Douglas International1 рок таму
As video inside a Delta Flight makes an emergency landing that landed with broken nose gear up Charlotte North carolina. video showing the inside of a Boeing 717 Delta Flight 1092 during its emergency landing at Charlotte Douglas International
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Three men died in the crash of a small airplane in southeast Georgia, a sheriff's office reported Monday
Soyuz-2.1b with the spacecraft Meteor-M 2-3 and 42 Russian and foreign satellites successfully launched from the Vostochny Cosmodrome1 рок таму
Soyuz-2.1b with the spacecraft Meteor-M 2-3 and 42 Russian and foreign satellites successfully launched from the Vostochny Cosmodrome
Абломкі верталёта Ка-52, збітага сёння ў раёне Талавой Варонежскай вобласці. Экіпаж загінуў1 рок таму
Абломкі верталёта Ка-52, збітага сёння ў раёне Талавой Варонежскай вобласці. Экіпаж загінуў
Паведамляецца, што верталёт быў збіты ў Варонежы
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Мінабароны Расеі сцвярджае, што ноччу былі нанесены ракетныя ўдары па аэрадромах Украіны
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Як мінімум 3 чалавекі загінулі ў выніку крушэння (збітага) расейскага Ан-24 каля Кантэміраўкі Варонежскай вобласці
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Пры спробе атакаваць вайсковы завод у Суземцы Бранскай вобласці быў збіты беспілотнік
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Two helicopters of the Ministry of Emergency Situations are currently extinguishing a fire on the territory of a waste processing plant in the Moscow district of Chertanovo. 900 square meters on fire
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Delta IV Heavy lifted off from Cape Canaveral, but users on Twitter and Instagram are posting rocket launch pics from all over Florida