Reuters: The German airline Lufthansa will resume its flights to Tel Aviv, Amman and Erbil tomorrow.
Small plane crashes in San Bernardino
Flights of Russian airlines to Jordan, Iraq and Israel are suspended until restrictions are lifted, - Russian Federal Air Transport Agency
Kuwait Airways announces the diversion of all its flights from "tension areas"
IDF spokesman:A short while ago, Iran launched drones from its territory and from the territory of its agents towards the territory of the State of Israel. We are monitoring the threat in the airspace. Talking about a threat that requires several hours to reach Israeli territory. The Israeli army and the Air Force are implementing the well-planned plans they are preparing to deal with. As part of preparations, GPS services are not available in several locations across the country. The jamming took place in a focused and temporary manner
Israeli Channel 12: Israel decides to close its airspace starting at one o'clock after midnight
Упраўленне грамадзянскай авіяцыі Іарданіі: часова закрывае паветраную прастору Іарданіі для ўсіх самалётаў, якія прылятаюць, вылятаюць і транзітам, з 23:00 на наступныя некалькі гадзін
7 месяц таму LAUNCH of a suborbital missile test from GTsMP-4 (Kapustin Yar) near Volgograd in Russia to the GNIIP-10 range at Sary Shagan, Kazakhstan at about 1600 or 1630 UTC Apr 12. Apogee at least 1000 km, observed widely across the Middle East. Yellow straight line shows approx path
Germany’s @lufthansa has extended the suspension of its flights to and from Tehran until Thursday, April 18, due to the current situation in the Middle East, @dpa_intl reported, citing a company spokesperson
On April 10, 100 Russian military instructors arrived in Niger. They delivered to the country military equipment for the latest generation air defense system purchased from the Russian Federation, local state television channel RTN reported.
7 месяц таму A Navigational Warning has appeared that suggests that Russia will test-launch an MRBM over the Sea of Ochotsk between April 11-13. Range about 1500 km.@M51_4ever @nukestrat @wslafoy @planet4589 @ISNJH
Apache helicopters open machine-gun fire north of the Nuseirat camp in the central Gaza Strip
Каля 7 бамбавікоў Ту-95МС падняліся ў паветра з аэрадрома Аленя
Reuters: German Lufthansa airlines suspends its flights to and from Tehran until tomorrow, Thursday, due to the current situation in the Middle East
Мінабароны Расеі паведаміла, што верталёт Мі-24 упаў у Чорнае мора ля заходняга ўзьбярэжжа акупаванага Крыму
One person was found dead on the scene of a plane crash in Modoc County on Tuesday
7 месяц таму .@Roscosmos just scrubbed the maiden launch of the heavy-lift Angara A5 space rocket from the (long-troubled) Vostochny Cosmodrome
7 месяц таму Pictures showing newly received Turkish made TB-2 and Akinci attack drones with HGK-82 and TEBER-82 general purpose bombs which can be guided, MAM-L and MAM-T guided munitions of the Burkina Faso Air Force
7 месяц таму The Israeli Air Force announces the formation of a new drone squadron that will operate the Elbit Hermes 900 unmanned aerial vehicle.The 147th Squadron, known as "The Battering Ram," was inaugurated at Palmachim Airbase yesterday
SpaceX Falcon 9 successfully places South Korea's military spy satellite into orbit: defense ministry
Three killed in Southeast Oklahoma plane crash
7 месяц таму Ground stops issued for Newark and JFK airports following the 4.8 magnitude earthquake in the area
Паводле звестак украінскай выведкі, на аэрадроме Марозаўск Растоўскай вобласці ў выніку масіраванай атакі беспілотнікаў знішчана да 6 і 8 пашкоджаных самалётаў.
7 месяц таму Image of Hwasong-16B
One person is dead after a small plane crashed at the South Lakeland Airport.10 Tampa Bay has a crew on the way to the scene.
1 killed in plane crash at South Lakeland Airport
7 месяц таму Самалёт Ан-24 пры заходзе на пасадку ў аэрапорце Светлагорска ў Краснаярскім краі вылецеў з узлётна-пасадачнай паласы. На борце знаходзіліся 15 пасажыраў. Першапачаткова ніхто не пацярпеў.
У Станаўлянскім раёне Ліпецкай вобласці падаўлены авіяцыйны беспілотнік, ахвяр і разбурэнняў няма, паведаміў губернатар
7 месяц таму A cargo plane crash lands at Malakal Airstrip, eye witness confirms to Radio Tamazuj
Two people were killed as a single-engine plane crashed while attempting to land in Truckee, California, on Saturday, police say