22 Лістпад 2024
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БПЛА ўпаў за 100 метраў ад Васкрасенскай газакампрэсарнай станцыі ў Каломенскім раёне Маскоўскай вобласці. Дрон быў знойдзены ў вёсцы Губастава
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Мінабароны Расеі сцвярджае, што ўкраінскія беспілотнікі былі перахопленыя сродкамі радыёэлектроннай барацьбы ў Краснадарскім краі і рэспубліцы Адыгея
Міністэрства абароны Расеі лічыць, што закрыцьцё Пулкава было часткай вучэньняў СПА
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Паведамляецца, што беспілотнік разбіўся ў рэспубліцы Адыгея на поўдні Расіі
Усе прылёты і вылеты ў аэрапорце Пулкава затрымліваюцца да поўдня
Паветраная прастора над аэрапортам Пулкава ў Санкт-Пецярбургу была закрытая з-за неапазнанага лятаючага аб'екта
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.@SpaceX: Falcon 9's first stage has landed on the A Shortfall of Gravitas droneship
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.@SpaceX: Watch Falcon 9 launch 21 Starlink V2 Mini satellites to orbit
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.@SpaceX: Less than 1 hour until Falcon 9's launch of 21 second-generation Starlink satellites from Florida. All systems and launch site weather are looking good; team has been monitoring solar weather conditions throughout the day
У Белгарадзе беспілотнік упаў на вуліцы, ёсць паведамленні пра падзенне трох беспілотнікаў1 рок таму
У Белгарадзе беспілотнік упаў на вуліцы, ёсць паведамленні пра падзенне трох беспілотнікаў
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.@SpaceX: Due to a space weather concern, now targeting no earlier than 6:13 p.m. ET for today's launch of 21 second-generation Starlink satellites from Florida
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.@SpaceX: Crew-6 also has priority, so if weather and all systems are go for that mission, we'll stand down from Tuesday's launch of Starlink
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.@SpaceX: Standing down from today's launch of 51 Starlink satellites from California due to unfavorable weather conditions. There is another opportunity tomorrow and the team is keeping an eye on weather
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.@SpaceX: Now targeting no earlier than Thursday, March 2 at 12:34 a.m. ET for launch of the Crew-6 mission
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Shoukry conveys a "message of solidarity and support" from Egypt to Syria after the great earthquake
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.@SpaceX: Propellant offload complete, launch escape system disarmed, and the crew access arm has swung back in place for the crew to egress
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@NASA@SpaceX joint Crew6 mission during the early morning hours on Monday, officials scrubbed the launch due to an ignition issue.
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The arrival of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Arab Republic of Egypt, Sameh Shoukry, at Damascus International Airport
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.@SpaceX: Standing down from tonight's launch of Crew-6 due to a TEA-TEB ground system issue. Both Crew-6 and the vehicles are healthy and propellant offload has begun ahead of the crew disembarking Dragon
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.@SpaceX: T-35 minutes until liftoff; propellant loading of Falcon 9 has begun, and Dragon's escape system is armed
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.@SpaceX: Watch Falcon 9 launch Dragon and Crew-6 to the @space_station
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.@SpaceX: The crew has arrived at Launch Complex 39A ahead of flight
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.@SpaceX: Argon Hall thruster tech specs: - 170 mN thrust - 2500 s specific impulse - 50% total efficiency - 4.2 kW power - 2.1 kg mass - Center mounted cathode
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.@SpaceX: Developed by SpaceX engineers, they have 2.4x the thrust and 1.5x the specific impulse of our first gen thrusters. This will also be the first time ever that argon Hall thrusters are operated in space
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.@SpaceX: Among other enhancements, V2 minis are equipped with new argon Hall thrusters for on orbit maneuvering
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.@SpaceX: This means Starlink can provide more bandwidth with increased reliability and connect millions of more people around the world with high-speed internet
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.@SpaceX: V2 minis include key technologies—such as more powerful phased array antennas and the use of E-band for backhaul—which will allow Starlink to provide ~4x more capacity per satellite than earlier iterations
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.@SpaceX: We call them "V2 Mini". They represent a step forward in Starlink capability
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.@SpaceX: Targeting Monday, February 27 for launch of 21 second-generation Starlink satellites to low-Earth orbit from Florida
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Раніцай на аэрадроме Мачулішчы ў Беларусі паступіла інфармацыя аб выбуху расійскага самалёта з РЛС А-50. У раёне ўзмоцненыя меры бяспекі. Няма афіцыйнага пацверджання