22 Лістпад 2024
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.@SpaceX: We are now targeting Thursday, March 2 at 10:52 a.m. PT for the next Starlink mission from California
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.@SpaceX: Weather is 95% favorable for liftoff, but teams are keeping an eye on weather along Dragon's ascent corridor
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.@SpaceX: All systems are looking good for launch of Crew-6 on Thursday, March 2 at 12:34 a.m
Пажары і выбухі адбыліся каля авіябазы ў Ейску Краснадарскага краю1 рок таму
Пажары і выбухі адбыліся каля авіябазы ў Ейску Краснадарскага краю
Traffic Advisory: Officers are assisting with a plane that landed in the southbound lanes of US-27, just south of Pembroke Road. The pilot has no reported injuries & landed due to engine trouble.  Southbound traffic is being temporarily delayed until the roadway can be cleared1 рок таму
Traffic Advisory: Officers are assisting with a plane that landed in the southbound lanes of US-27, just south of Pembroke Road. The pilot has no reported injuries & landed due to engine trouble. Southbound traffic is being temporarily delayed until the roadway can be cleared
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.@SpaceX: Team is resetting the next Starlink mission from California for no earlier than Wednesday, March 1
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.@SpaceX: If all systems and weather are looking good for Thursday's targeted launch of Crew-6, we'll adjust the Starlink mission accordingly
З сённяшняга дня Maxar мае выявы самалётаў A-50 AWAC на авіябазе Мачулішчы ў Беларусі1 рок таму
З сённяшняга дня Maxar мае выявы самалётаў A-50 AWAC на авіябазе Мачулішчы ў Беларусі
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У Мурманскай вобласці Расіі разбіўся верталёт Мі-8
Выява дрона, знойдзенага ў Маскоўскай вобласці1 рок таму
Выява дрона, знойдзенага ў Маскоўскай вобласці
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БПЛА ўпаў за 100 метраў ад Васкрасенскай газакампрэсарнай станцыі ў Каломенскім раёне Маскоўскай вобласці. Дрон быў знойдзены ў вёсцы Губастава
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Мінабароны Расеі сцвярджае, што ўкраінскія беспілотнікі былі перахопленыя сродкамі радыёэлектроннай барацьбы ў Краснадарскім краі і рэспубліцы Адыгея
Міністэрства абароны Расеі лічыць, што закрыцьцё Пулкава было часткай вучэньняў СПА
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Паведамляецца, што беспілотнік разбіўся ў рэспубліцы Адыгея на поўдні Расіі
Усе прылёты і вылеты ў аэрапорце Пулкава затрымліваюцца да поўдня
Паветраная прастора над аэрапортам Пулкава ў Санкт-Пецярбургу была закрытая з-за неапазнанага лятаючага аб'екта
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.@SpaceX: Falcon 9's first stage has landed on the A Shortfall of Gravitas droneship
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.@SpaceX: Watch Falcon 9 launch 21 Starlink V2 Mini satellites to orbit
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.@SpaceX: Less than 1 hour until Falcon 9's launch of 21 second-generation Starlink satellites from Florida. All systems and launch site weather are looking good; team has been monitoring solar weather conditions throughout the day
У Белгарадзе беспілотнік упаў на вуліцы, ёсць паведамленні пра падзенне трох беспілотнікаў1 рок таму
У Белгарадзе беспілотнік упаў на вуліцы, ёсць паведамленні пра падзенне трох беспілотнікаў
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.@SpaceX: Due to a space weather concern, now targeting no earlier than 6:13 p.m. ET for today's launch of 21 second-generation Starlink satellites from Florida
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.@SpaceX: Crew-6 also has priority, so if weather and all systems are go for that mission, we'll stand down from Tuesday's launch of Starlink
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.@SpaceX: Standing down from today's launch of 51 Starlink satellites from California due to unfavorable weather conditions. There is another opportunity tomorrow and the team is keeping an eye on weather
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.@SpaceX: Now targeting no earlier than Thursday, March 2 at 12:34 a.m. ET for launch of the Crew-6 mission
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Shoukry conveys a "message of solidarity and support" from Egypt to Syria after the great earthquake
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.@SpaceX: Propellant offload complete, launch escape system disarmed, and the crew access arm has swung back in place for the crew to egress
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@NASA@SpaceX joint Crew6 mission during the early morning hours on Monday, officials scrubbed the launch due to an ignition issue.
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The arrival of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Arab Republic of Egypt, Sameh Shoukry, at Damascus International Airport
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.@SpaceX: Standing down from tonight's launch of Crew-6 due to a TEA-TEB ground system issue. Both Crew-6 and the vehicles are healthy and propellant offload has begun ahead of the crew disembarking Dragon
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.@SpaceX: T-35 minutes until liftoff; propellant loading of Falcon 9 has begun, and Dragon's escape system is armed